Polling Places in Palmdale
Palmdale, California 93551

Palmdale Residents: It is time to vote! Have your Say!

The Special Elections date was changed to MAY 19, 2009.

Items on the ballot are:

City Council election to fill vacant seat.

An attempt to over turn the existing Term Limits

Hotel Transit Tax

Candidates seeking office for the unexpired term of the City Council seat include:
Connie Ennix - www.connieennix.org
Check with the City of Palmdale for the names of other candidates.

Term Limits: This items was voted upon in the year 2001 by the voters of Palmdale and the voters succeeded in putting term limits in place.

Term limits returns to the ballot because individuals who are effected by term limits seeks to try and get around the current law and seek office again even after they have termed out. This is what this election is really about - as the vacant seat could have been filled by an appointment and the hotel tax could have waited until the November 2009 elections, thereby saving the tax payers thousands of dollars and perhaps a few jobs.

If you wish to keep term limits in place, you must vote to uphold term limits.

If you wish to do away with terms limits, you must vote to do away with term limits.

Either way, YOU MUST VOTE!

Official Website: http://www.iv-dc.org

Added by bellker on April 2, 2009