18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

The Art of Energetic Space Clearing has been practiced worldwide for thousands of years. With the expert guidance and inspiration from Janet Woods the “ Energetic Detective”, you will learn dozens of practical ways to clear negative energy by using simple dowsing tools.
You will learn how to locate and detect harmful energies in your environment, clear stagnant energy, and develop your intuition. You will also be able to access answers to difficult issues facing everyday people , and during the talk have an opportunity to practice a new found skill
What You Will Learn
The tools of dowsing, and how to use them
How to identify and measure harmful energy
How to use a Pendulum for releasing and enhancing energy
How to do a Space Clearing Ritual
Dr. Janet Woods has made a career out of blending ancient wisdom with modern style. She started studying Feng Shui in the early 90's, before it became mainstream and fashionable. Now she shares little known Feng Shui secrets that work in positive and powerful ways
Nov 17, 2012 10am -2pm
Cost $39.00 Material Fee $20.00 ( Dowsing Rods & Pendulum)

Added by Drjanet Woods on September 26, 2012

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