301 Hutchinson Avenue
Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401

We are looking for some of the best soloist, groups, and choirs in the state! We the members of Southern Inspiration of Praise believe that there is a lot of talent here in the Mississippi area, so we connected with Studio 3 Recording Studio to present this wonderful event.

Hosted by: Angela White-Carter

Special Musical Performances by: "Gospel Recording Artist "Connie Larissa Tate", and Sovereign Chorale

Gospel Comedy by Anna Clark

This will be a wonderful event, and a great time to come out and help us Lift up the name of Jesus through Song.

**Winners in each categories will recieve $100 cash, 4 hours of studio time, Radio and Television Recognition.

To register or for more information please call 601-606-1431


Official Website: http://southerninspirationofpraise.synthasite.com

Added by sipraise08 on June 13, 2009

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