185 Court St
Binghamton, New York 13901

Soul Power Group is a soul healing environment that offers support for people who would like to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health, and transform their relationships, finances and more.
Dr. Krasuska is a Certified Soul Healing Teacher and Healer and advanced student of her spiritual teacher Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. Dr. Sha is a Medical Doctor in China and a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China and Canada, and is the founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment.

Dr. Malgosia E. Krasuska offers Soul Healing and Soul Power workshops which provide in-depth teachings based upon the New York Times bestselling books Soul Mind Body Medicine and Power of Soul written by her spiritual master.

Soul Power Groups are open to people of any race, gender, religion, national origin, age and disability, including those with limited mobility, and with sight or hearing disabilities. Professional and non-professional care-givers are strongly encouraged to participate.

By joining a Soul Power Group you can learn about and experience:

- Soul Healing for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues offered by a highly trained Certified Soul Healer and Teacher and Soul Song and Soul Dance Healer.
- How to heal and empower yourself with Divine Soul Songs which carry divine frequency and vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion and light which can transform your health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of your life.
- How to balance the 5 elements of the body system based on TCM.
- How to work with and stimulate the energy pathways of your body.
- You will learn to do your own Soul Song and Soul Dance.
- You will learn how to offer Soul Healing to others.
- You will practice relaxation and meditation.

Registration is required. For more information, or to register, please call the Library's Information Desk at 607-778-6451.

Added by broomecountypubliclibrary on March 24, 2011