16 John Islip Street, Millbank
London, England SW1P 4JU

This free panel discussion sees Paul Goodwin, writer, curator and urban researcher chair discussion between Emily Druiff, director of Peckham Space and artists Sonia Boyce and Barby Asante, investigating a new model that brings together curatorial and educational fields. This talk aims to address the questions: to what extent are these practices considered as art? How do these practices relate to terms such as 'community', 'socially engaged' and 'dialogic or relational' art?

Free, to book your place email: [email protected]

Part of the Public Programme & CCW Graduate School Free Talks Series.

Official Website: http://cltad.arts.ac.uk/users/chelseaprogblog/

Added by ChealseaSpace on July 1, 2012

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