622 Second Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

An Englishman, an Irishman and an American are locked up together in a cell in the Middle East. As victims of political action, powerless to initiate change, what can they do? How do they live and survive? Frank McGuinness's play explores the daily crisis endured by hostages whose strength comes from communication, both subtle and mundane, from humor, wit and faith. 1993 Tony Award Winner for best play.

February 26, 27, March 4, 5, 6 @8pm
February 28 and March 7 @2pm

Viaduct Studio - 622 Second Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh
Directions: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&q=622%202nd%20Avenue,%20Pittsburgh,%20PA%2015219%20USA

Tickets: $15 Adults, $12 Students, Seniors and Under 25
Call 1-888-71-TICKETS or visit http://www.showclix.com/display_events.php?sid=478

Directed by Melissa Hill Grande

Featuring (in alphabetical order)
Dek Ingraham
Rich Venezia
Ricardo Vila-Roger


Official Website: http://www.phase3productions.org

Added by Phase 3 Productions on January 27, 2010