57 Interlaken Road
Stockbridge, Massachusetts 01262

The winter solstice is celebrated in many ancient and modern cultures as a time of purification, rebirth, rededication, and a return to the light. Astronomically, it marks the date when the days begin to lengthen and nights grow shorter. The winter solstice is especially meaningful to Chaya, whose name in Sanskrit means “the shadow.” The word “chaya” is popularly associated with worshipping the sun, the illuminator of the world and the purveyor of good health.

This retreat with Chaya will include
•Daily practice of yoga, breathwork, and meditation
•Yoga nidra and other deep relaxation practices
•Chanting and sacred rituals
•Ayurveda’s vision
•Exploration and integration for wholeness
•Time for fun and reflection.

Experience the rhythms and laws of nature in a yoga workshop that will support you in deepening your practice, resetting your internal clock, celebrating the sun, and rekindling the light of spirit within you.

Chaya specializes in adaptive yoga, making this retreat appropriate and available to all levels. It’s not about how much you do, or how far you are in a pose, but your awareness of breath and sensation in each moment. Come join Chaya for an illuminating retreat steeped in the ancient wisdom of the rhythms of nature and their relationship to the human spirit.

Official Website: http://www.chayayoga.com

Added by yogaintegration on November 24, 2008