320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Can you really save money by installing solar collectors?
With more than 300 sunny days a year, Arizona has an
abundant natural resource. Learn all about the costs
and rebates available for those who choose to harness
the sun’s energy. Join Carl Ramsey, President of Architectural and
Environmental Associates, Thursday, October 22, 6pm
at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace and discover why
adding solar panels to your home or business energy
package might be the smartest choice you make this new

Architectural and Environmental Associates are the designers
for the green features of the new New Frontiers Natural
Marketplace, which opened in May of 2008 at the corner of
Butler and Sawmill. Environmentally friendly aspects of the
store include solar collection panels on the roof and above
the patio seating, providing 20-25% of energy needs of the
store, recycled denim insulation, natural lighting in the
offices with “Sola” tubes, re-circulating, energy efficient
cold cases, air conditioning and heating system, non-toxic
building materials, energy saving lighting, water saving plumbing
and many other features.

Added by priyadrews on September 30, 2009

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