> On behalf of the Society of Typographic Arts,
> Chicago's premier design
> association, I want to extend a personal invitation
> to the STA holiday
> party.
> STA is a group of colleagues dedicated to the
> creativity and history of
> Chicago design. Your professional experience, your
> roster of clients, the
> label on your clothes and the size of your office
> don??1/2t matter at the STA.
> What??1/2s important is that you share our passion for
> the art, the craft and
> the tradition of design. And the Holiday party is a
> great event to relax,
> talk shop (or not) and meet others who care about
> design in Chicago.
> The party is Wednesday, December 14, 6:00-9:00 at
> the Archicenter in the
> Loop at the corner of Jackson and Michigan. We hope
> you can attend and urge
> you to bring along friends and colleagues who want
> to connect with the
> Chicago design community. You can register by going
> to www.sta-chicago.org
> Bob Zeni
> STA Board Member
> Bob Zeni & Associates, Inc.
> 425 North Park Road
> LaGrange Park, Illinois 60526-1804
> 708-352-4700 (v)
> 708-352-4725 (f)
> [email protected]
Added by spudart on December 7, 2005