2620 N. 68th Street
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257

Bridging the generational gap by opening up the lines of communication…….

What is YOUR role in aging? Professionally working in healthcare or personally as a caregiver of a loved one, we all have a responsibility to plan for the future. We all have a say in the outcome. The first step is acknowledging you are not alone….

WHAT: Inspirational hour with Jim Comer, author of When Roles Reverse
WHEN: February 6th, 2009 at 3:00pm
WHERE: Scottsdale Village Square
2620 N. 68th Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85257-1202

RSVP: Michelle Moore, LBSW
Provider Relations Coordinator
[email protected]
Work 602-678-1313

This community forum is open to the public; however, please RSVP due to limited space. Health care professionals are encouraged to attend, to gain new insight personally and incorporate the ideas professionally. Jim’s talk is filled with practical tips, hard-won insights, and humorous stories. His candid, upbeat talk will help you make the best decisions for your own family, or families that you work with professionally.

One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) will be provided to Administrators, Assisted Living Facility Managers, Socials Workers, and RN’s.

Added by jacqueline.hoffman50 on January 28, 2009