WHO: SOCIETAS INSOMNIA, The Nightmare Company
WHEN: Saturday, July 30
Doors at 10
Roadkill at 10:30
Societas Insomnia at 11
WHERE: Sabala's Mt Tabor, 21+
The nightmare performance company known as Societas Insomnia convenes for our third blood-curdling performance, this time forsaking our first home at The Roseland for the darker confines of Sabala's.
Our show combines ritual performance, butoh, body modification, hard fetish acts, fire, dance, cirkus arts, living genetic freaks, and live improvised chamber-noise into an integrated two-hour performance designed to approximate a living nightmare. The overall effect is harrowing, and surely not for the squeamish. A grown man fainted dead away at our last show and had to be carried out during the double cantilever hook suspension.
You may have seen us recently in a Bizarre Magazine article by cirkus scholar J. Dee Hill.
Our guest of honor for this inaugural S.I. show at Sabala's is the world-renowned Domina Betka, of Venom Studios, whose plans push the boundaries even of our organizers. But we follow our nightmares as far as they will take us, and Betka will take us all the way.
Other familiar faces include Soriah, Noah Mickens, The Fireninja, Dale Morris, Cherry, Ivizia Dakini, Pandora, Ryan Olson (Synchronicity Frequency); and members of Liminal Group, PAN Butoh, 2Gyrlz, Licorice, PURE Suspension, Thee 999 Eyes Ov Endless Dream Freakshow, Nequaquam Vacuum, Suicide Girls, Sinferno Cabaret, and more and more and more.
And opening the evening, hopefully buying us enough time to get Akira Kasai and his workshop crew down to the show after their performance concludes, a band of puppeteers known as Roadkill Puppet Theater. Their professional-quality marionettes are constructed from dead animals found by the side of the road. Ready for that?
Note that this performance should not be confused with The 999 Eyes Ov Endless Dream shows at Liberty Hall. Though the two troupes share members in common, the difference in style and content is marked. While Thee 999 Eyes is an old-world carnival and apocalyptic revival, Societas Insomnia is a wordless and eerie journey into nightmare.
See our website for further details:
Added by plumpy on July 25, 2005