The event will explore the recent trends emerging in the domestic and global investment communities – that is, ‘Socially Responsible Investing’ (SRI) and ‘Micro-Financing’, featuring presentations from experts who are leading the path to a more environmentally sound and sustainable future through new, dynamic investment vehicles that are altering the landscape of the traditional investment community while providing the grist for a sustainable future and a more prosperous world.

21st century socially responsible investment channels are now poised to offer global market-tested solutions for both small and large investors alike creating new investment methodologies that can help lead us out of our current, unstable investment environment caused by greed and self-indulgence.

This conference will provide information and spur discussions of how investors can realize a good return on their investment while experiencing the satisfaction of helping save the planet from environmental degradation and contributing to the indigenous poor and oppressed of our global community.

Official Website:

Added by cristina_polesel on June 1, 2009

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