8021 Walnut Hill Ln
Dallas, Texas 75231

DFW Social Media Marketing
Monday May 18, 2009 at 7:00pm

Dave and Busters
8021 Walnut Hill Ln
Dallas, Texas 75231 Get Directions

DFW Social Media Marketing Group -- for marketing enthusiasts living in Dallas/Fort Worth. Membership is open to everyone who shares an interest in learning and/or sharing more about practical applications of social media in business.

Dine & Learn -- Attendee are expected to order a dinner and beverage of their choice from the menu and individual checks will be provided, including gratuity.


7:00 - 8:00PM "The Age of the Brandividual" – The Importance of Personal Branding Leveraging Social Media-- presented by Mike D. Merrill

8:00 - 9:00 "How To Drive Traffic and Market Your Brand, or Product leveraging Twitter" -- presented by Elysa Rice

Our mission is to share, learn and network. Meetings are structured, yet casual and friendly to encourage open discussion, so all members will feel free to participate. We want you to leave every meeting having gained new knowledge and insight into how you can grow your business and personal brand.

Ticket Info: $3.00
Buy Tickets
Website: http://www.meetup.com/dfwsocialmediamarketing/

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/dfwsocialmediamarketing/

Added by dfwsocialmediamarketing on May 12, 2009