10 West 18th St
New York, New York 10011

No matter what kind of events you specialize in, by now, if you are in events management or are considering a career in events management, you are aware of how crucial and effective marketing, coordinating and engaging your attendees through the use of social media networks can be. We all have Facebook fan pages, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn accounts, YouTube accounts and every other major social media acccount out there.

But social media is an ever-changing, fast-moving beast. The media darling hot app of today can and most likely will be replaced by something else newer and better next week (the app the tech and media magazines will demand that you must have to guarantee marketing success for your organization).
Do you know about the latest changes Facebook implemented to its Fan Page platform, or the recent and soon-to-be-made changes to Twitter that could effect your social media strategy?

Join us and learn the latest tools and techniques in social media event marketing and coverage from the New York startup (SERVED FRESH MEDIA) that is literally at the forefront of the field, testing and defining which tools and strategies are most effective for large-scale events (conferences, expos, award shows, etc.).


How to take advantage of Facebook's 2011 Updates;
Recent changes to Twitter and how third party apps will be effected;
Which apps are hot and which ones are not;
Which websites will help you to stay ahead of the trends;
Recent case studies of events successfully incorporating new social media tools and techniques;
An overview of how to position your event in the online social space most effectively, with better ROI;
Should you outsource your event's social media initiatives or keep it "all in the family"?
How can you "train" your attendees to be more tech and social media friendly to improve engagement and content creation at your events?
What are the best free resources for promoting your events online?
The latest in social media analytics and measurement;
Who is and should be mining your Twitter hashtag?


Charlie Oliver, Director of Social Media Strategy for SERVED FRESH MEDIA, will share the latest news, tools, techniques and practical advice in how to stay on top of the social media ball - and not under it!
Charlie's years of experience in the trenches of old media include working in advertising in New York at such media goliaths as BBDO Worldwide and Condé Nast, to producing sitcoms and dramas at Sony Pictures Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Warner Brothers , Dreamworks and Oscar-award winning indie production companies, to event management at the Sundance Film Festival.

She segued seamlessly into tech and new media as a web video producer where she co-created and co-produced experimental video projects such as an 8-hour live webathon for the 2008 presidential election and numerous web video series. Soon thereafter, Charlie formed ArtofTalk.tv (a site that brought the vast world of tv, web and radio talk shows online to Users in bite-size video snippets of debates and interviews in social media).

SERVED FRESH MEDIA (a New York-based startup blazing an unchartered path in social media reporting for large, special events) was a natural and ideal next step in her creative and media evolution. At Served Fresh Media, Charlie and her team of social media reporters cover events in an innovative way that breaks down the wall that divides the virtual and real worlds at events by being early adopters of technology, having a deep and broad understanding of social media, and by having a genuine love for people.

Twitter: @servedfresh
Facebook: http://facebook.com/servedfreshmedia
YouTube: http://youtube.com/servedfreshmedia
Email: [email protected]

This event is being held at The Wix Lounge. The Wix Lounge is a completely free, work and event space for creative professionals in NYC. Freelance and entrepreneurial creatives tend to be on the go frequently, passing from one café to the next, putting together presentations, meeting clients and constantly searching for inspiration to fuel their visual reserves. Management at Wix wanted to create a one stop shop that would empower the creative, and this is what they came up with: http://www.wixlounge.com

Tour the space when you arrive and see all Wix Lounge has to offer!

Added by Served Fresh Media on May 1, 2011

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