New York, New York

Will Social Media Really Help You Grow Your Business?

Cut through the hype and find out what the real deal is with social media. Find out if it is really just a big waste of time, or whether you can truly use it to market your business profitably.

Join Gabrielle Fontaine and her special guest, marketing expert and social media guru, Ely Delaney to finally get some straight talk about...

* How to use social media to build relationships with prospects, customer and referral sources

* How social media is changing the way we do business

* How to easily get up and running on the three biggest and most strategic social media networks

* How to attract quality "friends" and "followers" without getting caught up in the numbers game

* What free automation tools you can use to maximize your reach and save time in the process

* How to avoid getting sucked in to wasting a ton of time keeping up with your social posting

* What NOT to do so you don't make enemies, or worse, get banned from the social netorking sites

* How networking online is not the same as in-person networking

Find out for yourself why such respected business authorities as Inc. Magazine are saying that, "Social Media Really Is Worth Your Time" and put it to work for you, right after you attend this cut-to-the-chase, get-into-action webinar.

This FREE webinar training will be held LIVE on Thursday, July 8 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time (NY Time)

Claim your spot at:

Added by BookkeepingDirect on July 3, 2010

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