660 Stanford Shopping Center
Palo Alto, California 94304

In a quick 90 minutes, this information-packed seminar will review the essential strategies and best practices a business or organization should understand in order to successfully get started with social media marketing.

We will talk about:

• What social media marketing really is and why it’s important;
• Various social media networks and tools: how they interact, ways to leverage their strengths, and how to evaluate them for best use for your business or organization;
• How other businesses are using these low-cost tools to gain visibility, develop relationships, and drive sales and engagement;
• How to incorporate it into your business life without losing productivity.

You’ll have plenty of time to ask questions. And you’ll leave this high-powered seminar with real-world insights and knowledge that you can put to work immediately, to help your business succeed.

Free, RSVP required.

Official Website: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6fb3xsm3912e06f&llr=l89ntucab

Added by Kenneth Pabalate on October 19, 2012

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