575 7th Street, NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, District of Columbia 20004

Are you confused by all the talk about social media? Do you have Facebook and Twitter accounts but unsure how to use them to effectively promote your business?

If you're wondering how social media fits into your marketing and communications mix, this workshop is for you. During this workshop, you'll earn how to leverage social media to build your brand, expand your network, and engage current and prospective clients and customers.

Social media with a woman's touch...

Come network and learn in a friendly environment with other business-minded women. Leave with proven tips and tools to make social media work for you.

You'll learn:

* Trends - Understand the driving forces behind social media so you start off on the right foot

* Branding - How to use Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools (e.g., video) to brand your self and your business

* Networking - Learn how to connect with leaders in your industry and key influencers who will spread the word about your and your business

* Tracking - Tools to track and evaluate your social media efforts and return on engagement (ROE)

* Time Management - How to best manage your time on social media to get the results you want

* Strategy - You'll work on your social media action plan during the workshop and leave with concrete steps for action

Bring your laptop. Free wireless internet available. One block from Chinatown Metro.

**Register today. Space is limited!

Official Website: http://www.publicsquarecom.com/speakingtraining/smjumpstart/

Added by publicsquare on July 21, 2009

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