Level 7, 90 Mount Street
North Sydney, New South Wales

Social Media Explained

This 2 hour workshop will introduce you to the wonderful world of social media. We will guide you through social media and explain why you have to use it in your business and what it can achieve for you.

The workshop is run by Lara Solomon creator of Mocks, author of Brand New Day - The Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business, Telstra award winner and Expert Facebook Pager.
Did you know?
• There are over 400 million people on Facebook (if Facebook were a country it would be the third biggest in the world behind India and China)
• There are more than 3 million pages on Facebook
• Facebook pages have over 5.3 billion fans
• The average user spends 55 minutes on Facebook a day
• The average user becomes a fan of 2 pages a month
• Over 50% of Facebook users are aged 18 to 34 (57.4% in Australia)
• Over 70% of Facebook users are aged 18 to 44 (73% in Australia)


What you will learn?
- What exactly social media is
- The difference between Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn
- The benefits of using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and what they offer
- How to determine the best solution for your business

Tickets are $60 each (inc GST). The workshop is limited to 10 participants, this will sell out.

BOOK TODAY: http://www.socialrabbit.net/?page_id=20&shopp_pid=5

Official Website: http://www.socialrabbit.net/?page_id=20&shopp_pid=5

Added by socialrabbit2010 on August 9, 2010

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