This is a free event
11am - 11.30am Arrival & Networking
11.30am - 12.15pm Session 1 - Introduction to Social Media & Tools
12.15pm - 12.45pm Session 2 - Podcasting: Become your own global digital media publisher
12.45pm - 2pm Lunch & Networking
Official Website:
Added by don_mcallister on July 16, 2007
Does anyone know of anyone who has a Pownce account?
It's currently invite only, bit like Gmail was when they first started out.
I know this hasn't nothing to do with the topic other than its technically a social networking tool, but its a good arena to ask.
Oh and thanks for the add Katie
Tis Okay, Got an invite.. Thanks..
If anyone is interested ive got a few invites left . Its basically a twitter, jaiku kinda thing,
Oops, too late! I do have pownce and invites; looks nice but haven't used it enough to yet to decide.
Pownce eh, not heard of that one. I'm going to try and attend this, I hope.
How do I move it?
Never mind - I'll know better next time :-)
Just thought i'd leave a note to say it was good to meet you today.
Great presentations for both Katie and Don, I havent seen anyone that excited by Apple products for years Don.
Katie, great presentation, thought it flowed very smoothly and very informative.
Hey Don,
you might want to move this to 'Liverpool' as it gets a bit lost in 'Merseyside'...