1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, California

Social Graph & Search

The social graph has brought new meaning to social search. The impact of various levels of human influence on search has always been present but the latest developments incorporating the social graph and friends' actions is creating a buzz. Can the social graph make for better search and discovery? Is it a reliable means for search and recommendations? Are your friends the best source of search relevance and subject authority for what you're looking for? Come hear the latest developments of how both explicit and implicit user activity is driving better search results, recommendations, and ad targeting.

Shawn Gold, Former SVP, Marketing & Content, MySpace
Steven Marder, CEO & Co-Founder, Eurekster
Mark Jeffrey, CTO, Mahalo
Levy Cohen, CEO & Founder, Collarity

$20/$30 Member/Non-Member Online | $25/$40 Member/Non Onsite.

Official Website: http://www.webguild.org/biography/social-graph.php

Added by FullCalendar on December 5, 2007