6040 Canoga Ave.
Woodland Hills, California 91367

What is SpeedNetworking?? Just like Speed Dating but for business! You will have 6-minute "mini meetings", face-to-face, one-on-one with up to 15 other entrepreneurs and professionals. You each have 3 minutes to talk about your business, then the bell rings and it's time for you to talk to someone new! Add quality contacts to your list of potential clients and referral partners at lightning speed!

Fee for the event is $10 in online in advance, and $20 at the door. Complimentary appetizers will be served. Bring lots of business cards and be ready to talk, talk, talk! Practice your "elevator speech" and put it to good use at this event!

Remember, "your network is your net worth!"

Register here: https://www.5minutenetworking.com/ExternalEvents/OurEvent.aspx?id=12828170-e160-4a83-a7d7-d6d1c8bf632d

Added by ShadesOfBusiness on May 25, 2009

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