6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

Course Descriptions
Mac OS X Server Essentials is a four-day course designed to give technical coordinators and entry-level system administrators the skills, tools, and knowledge to implement and maintain a network that uses Mac OS X Server. Students learn how to install and configure Mac OS X Server to provide network-based services, such as file sharing, authentication, and printing. Tools for efficiently managing and deploying Mac OS X and software updates are also covered. The course is a combination of lectures and hands-on case study exercises that provide practical real-world experience.

Who should attend?
This course is designed for help-desk specialists, technical coordinators, and entry-level system administrators who implement and maintain networks using Mac OS X Server.

What You Will Learn
• The features of Mac OS X Server v10.6
• How to configure essential services on Mac OS X Server
• How to use Mac OS X Server tools to monitor and troubleshoot services
• Effective use of Mac OS X Server to manage a small network of Macintosh computers and users
• How to manage access to files and services
• How to prepare for Apple Certified Technical Coordinator certification
Students should have the following prerequisite knowledge prior to attending this course:
• Understanding of Mac OS X
• Experience with Mac OS X in a network environment
• Basic troubleshooting experience or Snow 101

Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Chapter 1: Installation
Installation, initial configuration, server administration tools, and troubleshooting installation issues
Chapter 2: Authentication, Authorization, and Authorizing Accounts
Creating and administering accounts, controlling access (ACLs), and troubleshooting
Chapter 3 - Using Open Directory
Configuring Open Directory, single sign-on, backing up directory data, troubleshooting Open Directory, and an introduction to Kerberos
Chapter 4 - Using File Services
Configuring and troubleshooting Apple File Service, share points for Windows users, NFS, network mounts, and FTP; case sensitivity issues
Chapter 5 - Hosting Mail Services
Configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting email service
Chapter 6 - Managing Web Services
Hosting multiple web sites on a single server, providing WebDAV access to files
Chapter 7 - Using Collaborative Services
Setting up and configuring wikis and blogs, and the iChat and iCal services to assist people working together
Chapter 8 - Implementing Deployment Solutions
Configuring and troubleshooting NetBoot/Network Install to deploy Mac OS X
Chapter 9 - Managing Accounts
Managed accounts, preference management, managed network browsing, mobile accounts, troubleshooting account management

Added by FMC_Orlando on March 2, 2011

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