1664 N Virginia St
Reno, Nevada 89503

The NNIC is pleased to announce a Sneak Preview Screening of Chakalela, a documentary following 25 Algerian high school students, 3 adults, and 7 American high school students as they learn about their similarities and differences in the four weeks they spend together in United States.

Footage was shot and edited by the high school students, and was filmed on location in Reno, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco and Algeria.

This film was the final product of the Algerian Youth Leadership Program that took place this past summer. UNR students and alumni participated as camp counselors during the experience and will be part of a panel, also including the local high school participants, to discuss the film and the experience. Come and find out more about exciting international education programs that are taking place right on your campus, and learn how you can become more involved!

Official Website: http://www.nnic.org/the-nnic/2009/10/sneak-preview-screening-of-locally-made-documentary-chakalela/

Added by NNIC on October 16, 2009

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