2106 North Hamilton St
Richmond, Virginia 23230

A talented 14 member SPARC ensemble presents an energetic revival of the 1995 Broadway show "Smokey Joe's Café” in the newly dedicated Sara Belle November Theater at the SPARC Center. A blast from the past, this Tony award and Grammy winning show covers many rock & roll and rhythm & blues of the 50’s and 60’s favorites like Hound Dog, Charlie Brown, Love Potion #9 and Jail House Rock…just to name 4 of the 33 spirited numbers featured in Smokey Joe’s . The songs are supported by many of the
popular dances associated with each time period, including the Jerk, Pony, Swim, Stroll, Twist and rocks with a live onstage combo accompanying this vivacious cast.
November 18 - November 20
Friday and Saturday 7:30 pm
Matinees: Saturday & Sunday 2:00 pm

Questions: 804.353.3393

Added by Kathy Messick on October 12, 2011

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