809 W Evergreen
Chicago, Illinois 60622

80sBabiesChicago host Smashed Fashion Friday @ Boutique. Come experience a fashion set rather than a show, spotlighting how an "elite boutique member" should dress. We will bring fashion & music together for one sexy and sophisticated night, showing what's new & hot to club goers. Featuring models from BMG Model Agency, Designs from Eightwentyeight and Amisha Boutique and the most beautiful crowd.

Mention "80sBabies" before 11pm for free cover. Upscale attire. For more information, please check out myspace.com/80sbabieschicago and Boutique 312-751-8700 boutiquesociety.com

Official Website: http://myspace.com/80sbabieschicago

Added by Aqua_azure on January 21, 2007

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