111 Goulburn Street
Sydney, New South Wales

The event is a full day seminar on “Small Business Marketing Secrets”, delivering practical advice to small business owners. The day will be packed with tips, ideas and practical advice that you can take away and implement in your business.

There are 3 fantastic speakers for the day – Michelle Gamble from Marketing Angels, Paul Wallbank and Lara Solomon from Social Rabbit. Between the 3 speakers you will walk away with information about online marketing, websites and social media.

What will be covered?

Preparing to Build Your Brand Online – Michelle Gamble, Chief Angel, Marketing Angels

* Getting your brand essence, target market and messages defined
* How to define goals for your web site
* Keyword research and what it means for branding
* What other online marketing tools will you need?

Things You Must Know Before Building or Reviewing your Web Site – Paul Wallbank

Every business is unique and the tools they need for an effective market presence vary with their needs. Paul will look at the best tools suitable for fast growing businesses and show how you can avoid common traps while maintaining an affordable and professional online presence.

What You Must Know About Social Media – Engagement and Making the Most of What’s Available – Lara Solomon, Chief Rabbit, Social Rabbit

Social media is a real buzz word at the moment, Lara will show you how you can use social networking to market your business. The presentation will include hands-on tips and ideas that you can take away and implement.

Measuring your online marketing effectiveness – Michelle Gamble, Chief Angel, Marketing Angels

Michelle will be discussing how to know if your web site is effective and what tools are available to measure it.

Event agenda:

9.30-10.30: Michelle Gamble, “Preparing to Build Your Brand Online”.

10.30-10.45: Break

11.00-13.00: Paul Wallbank, “Things You Must Know Before Building or Reviewing your Website”

13.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-16.00: Lara Solomon, “What You Must Know About Social Media- Engagement and Making the Most of What’s Available”

16.00-16.15: Break

16.15-17.15: Michelle Gamble, “Measure Your Online Marketing Effectiveness”

Official Website: http://www.sbims.com.au/

Added by socialrabbit2010 on August 18, 2010

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