600 F Street
Martinez, California 94553

Do you own a business, or are planning to? Are you new to advertising and wondering what to try? And how you're going to afford it? Too many businesses randomly try different tactics with disappointing results. You CAN advertise effectively and with little money. A 20-year pro will show you how to write your own small business advertising plan full of free and low cost advertising ideas that will bring you sales!

Class will cover topics such as:

- Focusing Your Direction: Advertising goals, Target audience and Key Marketing Messages.

- Tactics: Free and low cost advertising ideas including leveraging partners, search engine optimization, being seen as an expert, repeat and referral business, email marketing, and more.

- Campaign Tracking: Track results for further cost-savings.

The instructor, Ms. Thomas, has nearly 20 years of advertising experience with some of the world's largest advertising agencies as well as a VP of Internet Marketing at Wells Fargo Bank. She is currently the owner of www.advertisingspark.com and is a San Francisco SCORE volunteer, consulting to small businesses across the nation.

$60 for class, plus $30 materials fee.

Official Website: http://www.advertisingspark.com/class_schedules.html

Added by FullCalendar on November 6, 2008