1701 Collins Ave
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Born and raised in the musically historic city of Manchester, England, Marc and Allister Blackham, also known as the EC Twins, began their career in the House Music scene in Edinburgh, Scotland at age 16. They quickly evolved from “flyer boys” to creating and running the city’s most successful club: Eye Candy.
The Twins excelled, drawing in crowds night after night continually packing Eye Candy way beyond capacity. The initials of the infamous nightclub stuck as the brothers are still known around the world as simply… EC Twins.
The Twins have been credited as 2 of the most influential figures, responsible for the boom in Electronic Music in the USA, thanks to their “British Invasion”. They began by performing in small clubs, funneling all of their limited finances into their music and performances. Their hard work has paid off, turning their local fan base into a huge army of dedicated worldwide followers.
Known for their uniquely infectious, high energy live shows, the Twins hold residencies at every major Venue in the USA, including MARQUEE LAS VEGAS, MANSION MIAMI, RUBY SKYE SAN FRANCISCO, ENCLAVE CHICAGO, LURE LOS ANGELES, SUTRA OC, FLUXX SAN DIEGO and many international festivals and iconic venues across the globe, including main stage at TOMORROWLAND, EDC VEGAS, COACHELLA, OUTSIDELANDS SAN FRANCISCO, GLOBAL DANCE FESTIVAL COLORADO & More .
As highly sought after producers and remixers, THE EC TWINS have earned critical acclaim and chart success, working with LMFAO (CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS REMIX), ADELE (SOMEONE LIKE YOU REMIX), ENRIQUE IGLESIAS & DEV (NAKED REMIX), DIRTY VEGAS (LITTLE WHITE DOVES REMIX) and much more, along with their Original works signed to PAUL OAKENFOLDS, PERFECTO RECORDS, a top 10 hit with their ‘tongue in cheek’ titled ‘BEST SONG IN THE WORLD…, EVER!’
The Twins Re-launched legendary Diva, CECE PENISTON’S career with their epic collaboration “LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN” signed to SPINNIN RECORDS through DIMITRI VEGAS & LIKE MIKES ‘SMASH THE HOUSE RECORDS”. The EC TWINS also run their own label TWIN TURBO helping to develop new artists and evolve new sounds in the world of EDM.
This is all just the beginning of what is sure to be a long lasting career of trend setting original music and high profile remixes from this talented duo, who relentlessly work hard to pave the way for House Music domination on a global scale. It seems only a matter of time before THE EC TWINS become a household name!
- SWEET lovely SOUND

Official Website: http://bit.ly/ECtwinsHB

Added by Wantickets1 on March 7, 2013

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