300 N State St
Slc, Utah 84103

SLCNORML (The Salt Lake Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) is proud to support the FREEDOM RALLY this Saturday, July 25th at noon on the West Lawn of the State Capital Building.

If you support the local movement to reform marijuana laws, please join us.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dear Salt Lake City NORML Members and supporters:

As you know, there will be a FREEDOM RALLY at the Utah State Capitol this Saturday from 12:00 p.m. (high noon) to 4:20 p.m, advocating for the reform of drug prohibition laws. SLCNORML has been invited to take part in this event, as our fight is the same fight as many other groups in the Greater Salt Lake City Area. Our fight is, of course, focused on eliminating the Draconian Cannabis laws in the State of Utah.

I encourage all SLCNORML Members and supporters to attend the FREEDOM RALLY, as it is our hope to send a strong message to the people of Salt Lake City, and indeed the entire State of Utah, that we are here fighting to right a wrong committed against us over 70 years ago.

If you do plan to attend, one thing I request is that everyone wear GREEN, Green shirts green hats green pants…whatever….This will help us identify each other, as well as send a message of solidarity. I would prefer that we present as positive of an image as possible, so appropriate clothing is important. I don’t see cannabis as offensive, and neither should anyone else, so please feel free to wear anything cannabis, hemp or marijuana related!

If you would like to make a sign for the event, (and I encourage you to do so) please feel free to put “SLCNORML” somewhere on the sign. I would ask that your sign be “Media Friendly” ( no profane writings or pictures), to be "Religiously Tolerant" ( as we are asking the same from religion), ""Informative", (we are here to educate after all), and "Non-slanderous or confrontational" (we are not trying to make any enemies).

Please come prepared with everything you will need during the rally, including plenty of sunscreen, water, any medications that you might need during this time, etc., Please, we DO NOT want to see any arrests at this event. The rally IS NOT a smoke out, and I can assure you there will be a law enforcement presence.

Most of all, come have fun, get involved, and make a difference. Now is the time for our voices to be heard, if we all use them together we can make a difference!

I will be at the State Capital Building at 11:30a.m., and would like for all SLCNORML members and supporters to meet on the south side at the Indian Statue between 11:30 and noon, for any instructions, photos, last minute information, etc. PLEASE BRING CAMERAS still or video, to record the event! I want to get some good photos and video that we can compile for a YouTube project later!

See you all there!!!!

All My Best…

SLCNORML President

Further details will be posted on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Yahoo and Google.


Please e-mail [email protected]

Thanks and much PEACE


Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/slcnorml

Added by slcnorml on July 21, 2009



Details will follow on exactly where and when to meet, what to bring, signs, etc.

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