347 W. 36th St.
New York City, New York 10018

We love hearing your old highschool stories,
like that time when Stillsman and Bobby threw that kid from Landford Public
off the balcony at Jeanine Fletchers Birthday party.
Well, we hear Stillsman died in Iraq and Bobby,
he contracted GRID while timetraveling back to 1984.
Jeanine Fletcher...she's off in some ally giving lousy neck for 6 bucks and case of poppers.
Me, I'm doing sketch comedy with Sketch Block Sundays on NOV 26.

Murderfist: Sketch comedy for self indulgent bores.

Murderfist in Sketch Block Sundays
The National Comedy Theatre
347 West 36th St
New York, NY 10018
between 8th/9th Ave

Tickets are $10.00 NO DRINK MINIMUM www.murderfistnyc.com
www.myspace.com/murderfistnyc www.myspace.com/sketchblocksunday

Official Website: http://www.murderfistnyc.com

Added by Murderfistnyc on September 28, 2006