407 Bainbridge St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147

The Nice People Theatre Company present their inaugural production...

Six Seconds in Charlack by Brian Golden

Bard and Penny are at the start of something amazing. Their life is hurtling toward white-picket perfection. If only Bard could get Candy out of his mind — and his bedroom window. As Bard struggles to leave behind his past with the unpredictable, intellectual Candy and move on to life with sensible, pretty Penny, he can't help but feel that he's losing his muse. Can lightning strike twice? All Bard knows is that it strikes without warning. Six Seconds in Charlack explores the complications of love, the ephemera of inspiration, and how everything you think you know can change in an instant.

March 2-3, 8-10 at 8:00PM
March 4, 11 at 2:00PM

Buy advance tickets at www.nicepeopletheatre.org

Directed by: Bill Felty
Starring: Nicole Blicher, Bryan Dawidowicz, Scott Robertson, & Miriam White

Official Website: http://www.nicepeopletheatre.org

Added by NicePeople on February 22, 2007

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