507 Roswell Street
Marietta, Georgia 30060

Avisca Fine Art Gallery presents “Contrapunto: Six Contemporary Latin American Artists” May 4–31, 2012. The exhibition brings together a group of artists already associated in a loose creative and cultural alliance to promote Latin American art. The six artists currently live or have lived in the Atlanta area.
The works in the exhibition span a range of modern and contemporary art practices - from early modernism to classical surrealism, to pop, to abstraction to color field, and photography - and is reflective of the trajectory of Latin American art over the last century. The artists represented are Aixa Caldera, Alexis Mendoza, Carlos Solis, Jose Pena, Pedro Fuertes and Stanley Bermudez.
A reception to open the exhibition will take place from 6 to 9 pm on Friday May 4 at Avisca Fine Art Gallery, 507 Roswell Street, Marietta, GA. The exhibition runs through May 31.

Added by Avisca Fine Art Gallery on April 21, 2012