1952 1st Ave South Suite 5
Seattle, Washington 98134

What we're building: A Facebook application built with Ruby on Rails that is THE OPPOSITE of a popular Facebook application like the FunWall or "Top Friends". Think "BoringWall" or "Worst Friends".
When: Sunday, June 8th. 11 AM
Where: Saturday House (directions)

COME ONE, COME ALL. Six Hour Startup is free, fun, educational, and a great way to meet people.

If you plan to PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAMMING OF THE APPLICATION during the 6HS, please setup the following prior to Sunday, June 8th. If you'd like to show up an hour or two before the event to work out the kinks in your environment, please do so:

1. Integrated Development Environment / Text Editor: I use Emacs, but you can can get an IDE up and running: Eclipse or Wing IDE
2. Source Control: Install TortoiseSVN subversion client
3. Install mysql 5.x
4. Install Ruby 1.8.6 or later
5. Install Ruby 'gem' package manager.
6. Install required gems:
* rfacebook 0.9.5 (to call FB API)
* log4r 1.0.5 (to log messages)
* rails 1.2.3
* rails 1.1.4
* fcgi 0.8.7 (only required for production)
* hpricot 0.6 (to parse FB responses)
* mysql 2.7

If you have never installed Ruby or never programmed in Ruby, then steps 3-6 can be quite tricky. Please try to work this out on your laptop beforehand. I've had experience installing this on Fedora Core & Mac OS X.

Other To Do's prior to the event:

* Briefly read through: http://developer.facebook.com/
* Bookmark this page: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Main_Page
* Know this FB terminology: FBML, notifications, invites, install vs login.
* Add the FB developer app: http://www.facebook.com/developers/, we will create a new FB app for everyone during the session

See you there!

Added by ejveal on June 4, 2008