735 Queen St.W
Toronto, Ontario

"Where Singles & Adventure Meet"

To reserve your spot please contact us directly by phone at 1-800-239-0542, via email: [email protected] or sign up through our website!

** Please Note This Event Is In Partnership With Urban Speed Dater.

This Posting Is For Men Only.

Join Meet Market Adventures, Urban Speed Dater and other intriguing singles for a fun evening of Speed Dating. Speed Dating is a fun, no pressure way to meet other busy professionals like yourself. Research shows that the chemistry between two people happens in the first few minutes. You will have up to 10 Mini Dates where you can quickly determine who you would like to hear from again. It is fun, convenient and a great way to meet new single women.

Details are subject to change without notice.

Official Website: http://www.meetmarketadventures.com

Added by Subnero on October 27, 2009

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