355 Greenwich St.
New York, New York 10013

Explore different restaurants each month while getting to know other singles in the age group of your choice . . . so even if there's no love connection you'll still have a wonderful time. You'll order off the menu and receive separate checks for your purchases. Our website allows you to view the profiles of those registered for each dinner, tracks who you've dined with so you meet new people every time, and then let's you send a private message to those you've dined with afterward.

For current space availability, to see who's going, and to register please visit our website at www.TastyNewYork.com.

Please register early. Schedules are announced three to six weeks in advance, seats are filled on a first come first filled basis, and dinners close three to seven days in advance. Occasionally, space opens up last minute, but this cannot be relied upon, so register early for best results.

This week join us at The Harrison:

"New chef Amanda Freitag (ex Gusto) is cooking at this “classy” TriBeCa New American, and her “delightful”, Med-inspired dishes are already winning raves; “smooth” service and “Hamptons-in-the-city” decor add to the “cool, casual” feel, making the “upscale” pricing easy to digest." - Zagat.com

"The Harrison's dining room has an unassuming charm, maintained to a neighborly polish with creamy walls, dark wood, a walnut bar and flattering lighting. The decibel level, at least on a weeknight, lends itself to conversation. The cooking is in the modern American style, taking full advantage of the seasonal offerings. There are happy little ideas like biscuits and gravy studded with scallions and mounted with three species of clams and bits of chorizo. Peekytoe crab (rock crabs) go glamorous with avocado, grapefruit and mustard oil. Scallops with hominy, black olives, pecans and an aji amarillo sauce is a masterpiece of sweet seafood flavors and textures; the crispy-fried clams with lemon-coriander aïoli lasts only a few seconds. A buttery skate wing fans out against cucumber, pineapple, capers and a balsamic vinegar for equal sweet, sour and vegetal notes. Dessert might entail a Meyer lemon meringue pie with candied kumquats and lemon-thyme sabayon (a cousin of zabaglione) or a terrific, gooey coconut custard tart. Pastry chef Jeff Gerace reaches new heights with a dish of beignets (fried sweet dough) cuddled in a napkin. Pop one in your mouth, bite down slowly, and chocolate spurts out over your palate in wondrous ooze." - Gayot.com

Official Website: http://www.tastydiningnetworks.com/new_york_singles_events_10.html

Added by TastyNewYork on June 28, 2009

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