2607 Grant St
Houston, Texas 77006

Baba Yega is one of Montrose’s most popular brunch spots. Great views from the front deck provide visitors with plenty of shade by an old oak tree and people-watching along the street. The gardens inside are a romantic escape with picturesque water fountains and flowers surrounding the area. Eight Friends Out is looking forward to hosting Houston singles at this fun meeting spot. We’ll have Mimosas and Bloody Mary’s while socializing and enjoying the laid-back Montrose atmosphere.
Date: 17 April 2011
Time: 11:30am to 2:00pm
Name: Nikita Abrahams
Contact: EightFriendsOut
Phone: 281.870.0827
e-mail: [email protected]
website url: http://www.eightfriendsout.com
Event: Mimosas in Montrose (Singles Brunch)
Venue: Baba Yega
Address: 2607 Grant St; Houston TX 77006
Cost: $48

Added by Eight friends out on February 17, 2011

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