119 Pancras Road, London
London, England NW1 1UN

The London Festival of Photography presents work by Wasma Mansour, exploring the lives and multiple identities of Saudi women living in London.

Single Saudi Women, is the culmination of a four year research project by London-based, Saudi photographer Wasma Mansour. Pictorial conventions in global mass media exhibit recurring visual tropes which stereotype and essentialise the portrayal of Saudi women. As a result, such generalisations have suppressed Saudi women’s efforts in reconciling with their identities and asserting their sense of individualism. Mansour uses the photograph as an observational tool and an apparatus to encourage dialogue about the representation of the self as a public and private figure.

10am-6pm, 7 days per week

Official Website: http://www.lfph.org/diary/single-saudi-women-wasma-mansour

Added by London Festival of Photography on May 18, 2012