23832 Rockfield Boulevard, Suite 195, Rockfield Plaza
Lake Forest, California 92630

Simple and Effective Home Remedies-How to be a Grocery Store Herbalist

Have you ever wanted to learn how to use herbs, but didn’t know where to start? Maybe it just seems so overwhelming or complicated that you never pursued it further? Perhaps you just want to learn some quick and easy home remedies for a few ailments? Then this is the class for you! In this hands on workshop you will learn how to use herbs found in your local grocery store to soothe common complaints such as:
Nasal Congestion
Sore throat
And many more.

Sat. April 30th, 2011, 9-11am
Temple of Light
23832 Rockfield, ste 195
Lake Forest, CA 92630

$30 per person and Bring a Friend for Free
$35 at the door
Register here: http://herbalremedies42011.eventbrite.com

This course is taught by Chelle Goodfriend who has studied herbs with master botanists in the Amazon jungle and indigenous healers of Latin America as well as some of the United States’ foremost herbalists.

Added by Temple of Light OC on April 7, 2011

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