182 William Street
Perth, Western Australia 6000

Black Swan State Theatre Company and Sydney Theatre Company present

Signs of Life
By Tim Winton

21 July - 18 August
The Dirt Music continues … World Premiere!

Alone in her farm house one night, Georgie is spooked by noises outside. An Aboriginal man soon appears out of the darkness, asking for help for him and his sister. Can she help? Should she trust them? And what do you do when guests settle in and show no inclination to move on?

A story about people with uncertain futures navigating with only shreds of the past to guide them. It’s about the mutual incomprehension between white and black – the anxiously safe and the pragmatic dispossessed – in country where nobody is really sure they belong anymore, and where everyone’s fate seems to have been determined by those who came before.

Venue: Heath Ledger Theatre, State Theatre Centre of WA
Director: Kate Cherry
Featuring: Tom E. Lewis, Helen Morse, George Shevtsov, Pauline Whyman

Added by shonasaxton on May 24, 2012

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