5605 N Crescent Blvd
Pennsauken, New Jersey 08110

If you are new, we offer these free classes as a service to our community. We do our best to provide a welcoming environment & knowledgeable teachers, prepared to help you learn the computer skills that have become necessary in these modern times.

If you are a veteran of our classes, we have made several changes to our program that will help us do a better job at preparing & organizing classes.

To Register: Determine which classes you would like to take. Once you have decided on a class, come into the library to fill out a registration slip and submit it to a Reference Desk staff member. Be sure to check the required skill level on the registration slip to see which classes meet your own skill level.

After your information is reviewed, you will be contacted with your approved schedule. Note: Because class sizes are limited, you may not get the course you choose. Read the cancellation policy in the Computer Course Catalog.

Have you ever seen a good ad or flyer and wondered how you could make your very own? This 2 session class will introduce you to the tools available in Microsoft Word, while also providing you with basic design principles to make your own quality signage.

In order to be eligible to attend this session, you MUST have already attended the first class on Auguts 24th.

Skill Level: Intermediate+

Added by Pennsauken Free Public Library on June 8, 2011