180 W Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, Georgia 30030

In her latest cookbook, Ten: All the Foods We Love and Ten Perfect Recipes for Each, Sheila Lukins identifies 32 of our favorite foods, from prime rib and other important roasts to perfect hors doeuvres. Then she obsessively offers the ten very best recipes for each - the ten best mashed potatoes, ten best Sunday dinners, ten best cakes. With more than 300 recipes, including dishes from top chefs (and Sheilas good friends), such as Tom Colicchios Roasted Rack of Pork, Judy Rodgerss Zuni Caf Roast Chicken with Bread Salad, Anthony Bourdains Choucroute Garni, Tom Valentis Red Wine and Tomato Braised Duck and others, Ten is truly a celebration of the best of the best. Sheila is one of Americas most beloved food writers - The Silver Palate Cookbook, The Silver Palate Good Times Cookbook, The New Basics Cookbook, and the All Around the World Cookbook have more than 5.5 million copies in print. Ten will quickly become your new favorite! Tonight, Sheila demonstrates and serves some of her favorite starters and small plates for the holiday season. Enjoy these recipes from Ten: Stuffed Eggs, Colombe d'Or Crudite with Anchoive, Spiced Goat Cheese Slather served on Ficelle Toasts, chocolate orange tea cake, and a holiday cocktail that will impress all of your guests: Pomegranate Coupe de Champagne.

This event will be held at the Decatur location of The Cook's Warehouse, 180 W. Ponce de Leon Ave., and Cook's is charging $45 for the class. For reservations, go to www.cookswarehouse.com, or call 404-377-4005. Wordsmiths Books is the bookseller at this event.

Make your holiday gatherings a perfect Ten with recipes from Sheila and her new cookbook. Wordsmiths Books is the exclusive bookseller for this event and will have plenty of copies. Sheila will be available after class to autograph yours - and it makes a great holiday gift!

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of wordsmithsbooks.

Added by Wordsmiths Books on October 21, 2008