1145 Gaskins Rd
Richmond, Virginia 23238

Bellydance is an art form that has been passed down from generation to generation by visually demonstrating and mimicking. To this day, bellydance is taught through the mimicking process, which can lack the element of breaking down a movement. This learning process may be hard for the non–dancer to understand and thus unsafe to perform. Not knowing how to use the body in specific movements can be potentially harmful and as a result not enjoyable. The SharQui™ Technique was created to remedy this.

The SharQui™ Technique is an anatomical approach to belly dance that works the entire body so that you can work out safer and smarter. Not only will you learn the building blocks of bellydance and have a better understanding of how the body works, but you will gain core strength, speed, isolation and stamina.

SharQui™ is for the person who wants a new and exciting way to get fit. It is a total body workout that will get your heart pumping while you celebrate femininity and feed your soul. If you are an experienced dancer, you will be able to perfect your form, balance, gain strength, and dance better than ever.

Oreet, an exercise pro and professional dancer for over 15 years, has created a safe and intense workout for all women –no matter their fitness level or body type. Never before has someone fused the most body–loving and soul stimulating elements from the art form of belly dance with the burn that an aerobic workout can offer. By blending the best of both worlds, SharQui™ gets you to feel good on the inside and out.

Details of the 3-Day 18 Hour Course: HOW MUCH?
DAY 1 – six hours of practical and lecture
DAY 2 – six hours of practical and lecture
DAY 3 – three hours of practical and lecture
and three hours of testing

$350 plus $30 for the anatomy
textbook if payment is made
30 days prior to the start of
the class.

If you are interested in attending the certification course, you MUST confirm your participation by signing and mailing two(2) copies the SharQui™ Certification Course Agreement no less than 30 days prior to the start date of the course. The certification course agreement provides you with the
requirements to become SharQui™ certified and includes
the requirements to maintain your certification. By signing the agreement, you are agreeing to make payment as per the terms shown in the agreement. Upon receipt of the signed agreement, along with one dually signed copy, a SharQui certification manual, a SharQui DVD, the required textbook and a SharQui music CD will be mailed to you to allow you to prepare. Studying the required materials prior to the
beginning of the course will ensure a smooth program and increase your chances of passing the final examination. Please keep in mind that whether you are interested in teaching SharQui™ or just taking the course to expand your knowledge of bellydancing, there will be several hours throughout the course where you will be required to present the SharQui™ method to your fellow participants.

Added by oryantaldanse on January 6, 2009