247 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

Celebrate the birthday of William Shakespeare in the Bard's own words at the Salem Theatre Company's Sixth Annual Free Shakespeare Open Mic Night. Boston-area theater fans, actors, and directors are all welcome to join STC in the Witch City on Thursday, April 23 at the Gulu-Gulu Café, 247 Essex Street in Salem. The event starts at 8PM.
All are invited to bring their memorized (or loosely memorized) monologues, scenes, readings and sonnets, order up from Gulu-Gulu’s selection of over 35 beers and sit back to enjoy Shakespeare at his spontaneous, Boston-ish best. Scripts will be available if you just have to find and share your favorite Shakespeare passage.
The Gulu-Gulu Café is located at the corner of Washington and Essex streets, just a 3-minute walk from the Salem MBTA station.
The Salem Theatre Company was founded in 2002 and enriches the artistic, cultural, and economic life of the Greater Salem region through the performance of classic, contemporary, and new works of exceptional theater. The STC hopes to move and inspire, and to build connections with new, diverse audiences and theatre artists through the performing arts and arts education outreach.
Currently in its Sixth Season, the STC will produce Steve Martin’s adaption of Carl Sternhiem’s The Underpants in July.
Learn more at www.salemtheatre.com.

Official Website: http://www.salemtheatre.com

Added by glaparl on April 7, 2009