498 Broadway St (@ Kearny)
San Francisco, California

FREE to play! FREE entry to night club with drink purchase!
Beer Special: 5 BEERS for $10 before 9:30PM; 5 BEERS for $15 after 9:30PM
Games: Beer Pong, Flip Cup, Relays.
Win Prizes!

--> Everyone's placed on a team based on your country (to make it easy to meet people).
--> Teams compete at flip cup, relays, and beer pong.
--> Play -or- just watch, drink cheap beer and be social!

Meet & compete against travelers, locals, au pairs and students!
After the games and awards ceremony, get free entry to night club! (Save $20 Cover)

'Like' us on Facebook *and* RSVP that you're attending & get a $1 shot!

LIKE US HERE: https://www.facebook.com/beerpubcrawl
RSVP HERE: https://www.facebook.com/beerpubcrawl/events

WHERE: HORIZON - 498 Broadway St, corner of Kearny St & Broadway
(Signup with the Beer Olympics coordinator)
TIME: Signup at 8:30PM - Be sure to arrive by 9PM to play!

Added by SF Olympics on February 13, 2013

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