29 Church Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Senator Arlen Specter is the longest standing senator in the history of Pennsylvania. He is Republican, but considered by many to be a moderate. In 2005, Senator Arlen Specter was diagnosed with a form of cancer, Hodgkin’s disease. "Never Give In" tells the story of how he worked through chemo, and experienced treatment while remaining in the Senate, and refusing to give up.

Borders in Burlington VT is pleased to welcome Senator Specter to our store on Sunday, May 23rd at 1:30 to discuss and sign his new release "Never Give In: Battling Cancer in the Senate."

Official Website: http://beta.bordersstores.com/online/store/EventView?city=&state=&zipCode=&within=&all_stores=&selectedStoreId=10797&eventId=233696&

Added by hmorse on March 17, 2008

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