1970 Diamond Blvd
Concord, California 94520

Whether you are single, in a committed relationship, married, or divorced, you will find Dan's seminar relevant to your life. No gimmicks, jargon, or psychobabble, just plain straight talk about how to bring more emotional intimacy to your life.

Dan Beaver, M.S. M.F.T., is a licensed marriage therapist, author, & college professor for 35 years.

Tickets are on sale now http://danielbeaver.com/seminar
Before 9/1/10: $75 for an individual ticket, $100 for a couple ticket.
After 9/1/10: $85 for an individual ticket, $120 for a couple ticket.

Official Website: http://danielbeaver.com/seminar/

Added by jdiavatis on August 6, 2010

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