3410 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304


A Software Development business needs an engineering team to bring value to the company by providing accurate, effective technical solutions in an efficient manner.

The presenter, Bernie Clark, Co-Founder, Unified Process Group, will introduce an easy-to-use five-element framework to help ensure that your engineering team is focused and effective. This framework will provide you with a tool for helping you structure any business organization of any size. Specifically, Bernie will address what skills, what resources, what processes and what environments are required for an engineering department to provide effective products and services. Within the context of this framework, he will provide a deeper insight into the merits/pitfalls when trying to adopt software development methods such as RUP and Agile.

Bernie designs and teaches Business Modeling, Use Case and Architecture training classes and provides guidance on process improvement.
"Bernie can take a rather drab topic and make it interesting and understandable. It's always a pleasure attending his presentations." - Past Workshop Participant

No charge for SDForum Members, $15.00 for non-members.

Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1935+

Added by FullCalendar on May 28, 2006