700 W 6th St, Suite D
Gilroy, California 95020

The first act we do in our life is to breathe in. And the last act of our life is to breathe out. Between this first breath in and the last breath out are all the breaths that we call life. The breath is our best friend -- it's always with us. And yet, we hardly know much about it. What's more ... it holds some timeless secrets to our health, peace of mind, and well-being.

In this two-hour workshop you'll learn how to use your breath to instantly:

* make your mind calm

* control negative emotions

* create a sense of well-being

* increase energy and vitality

You'll also learn Principles of Healthy Living and tools to chart a new course for your life!

The workshop is held each Sunday from 3-5pm at:
Dr Atraya's office
700 West 6th St, Suite D
Gilroy, CA 95020

To register: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=102686

Added by saol on April 5, 2012

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