2218 48th Avenue
San Franciso, California 94116

Build a healthy back through movement, awareness and breathing.

You will learn how all your joints are interconnected. Learn how strengthening your legs can help your back and how loosening your upper back can relieve the tension in your hips. We will teach you how to compensate from the tension that modern life imposes on your body. Discover how powerful and resilient your body really is! If you endure pain from chronic problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis or hyperlordosis, this class is for you! You'll also learn exercises to overcome acute problems such as sciatica and back spasms. These are exercises based on Meir Schneider's 37 years of successful work with the back. You will feel better, move better and learn new concepts and techniques that awaken your inner power for self-healing!

Location: School for Self-Healing
2218 48th Ave.

9AM - 1PM
Cost: $110

To register, call 415-665-9574
or email : [email protected]

"Meir taught me how to heal myself, whereas other methods only gave me temporary fixes that did not last. He taught me to listen deeply to my body and respond with gentle movement, and gave me tools to get well. It took me 1½ years to heal my C5S1 bulging disc. I went from unable to walk at all to hiking the Himalayas. Now I teach what I learned to others at Kaiser Oakland in Adult Education and Behavioral Health classes on how to build a healthy back." Dorthea Dorenz, Berkeley, CA

Official Website: www.self-healing.org

Added by schoolforselfhealing on January 29, 2009