221 Tennessee Ave
Crossville, Tennessee 38555

Set in rural Kentucky in the 1940s, this tender, moving play follows married couple May and Raleigh during the final months of World War II. When victory overseas brings unexpected consequences at home, the young couple is forced to find common solutions to the challenges of a new post-war America. May, more interested in a career than in housework, became a school principal during the war but has to return to the classroom when the men who’d been fighting overseas return and resume the jobs they left behind. And Raleigh, discharged from the service early and denied a chance at combat because of his medical history, discovers that missing this defining event of his time is the greatest hindrance to his evolving career as a writer. At its heart, See Rock City is a funny, touching and universal portrayal of a young couple very much in love.

Official Website: http://www.ccplayhouse.com

Added by The Cumberland County Playhouse on June 6, 2012